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Shell Point Sailboard Club

                                             . . . it has always been thus
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2020 Wind Ceremony
The PERFORMANCE by Swami and the Festoons for the Wind Ceremony has been POSTPONED until a date that is suitable with our current circumstances. HOWEVER, the chairs for the Wind Ceremony (with people sitting in them) will be at the beach from 3pm to 5pm on March 28th to hand out shirts with recordings of Swami and the Festoons playing in the background. If you are lucky, we may even have a few band members milling about since, as we all know, musicians can be a bit aimless.

We advise people who are not feeling well to NOT COME DOWN and get their shirt. We will hold onto it for you until such time as the band does perform. We hope to be stationed under one of the smaller pavilions to the east side of the bath house and will have hand sanitizer available for use.